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Tennessee State University Cincinnati Alumni Chapter
PO Box 24280 Cincinnati, OH 45224

Our Mission
The mission of the TSU Cincinnati Alumni Chapter is to connect alumni with the University and with one another; to explore and utilize traditional and electronic methods of communicating with alumni and with the University; and to invent ongoing opportunities for interaction among alumni, community, and potential students. The overall goal is to foster among alumni a commitment of giving back to their alma mater to enhance the image, academic excellence, financial stability, and growth of Tennessee State University.

Our Goal
The goal of the Chapter is to promote lifelong relationships between and among its current and future alumni and the University, to encourage alumni involvement in the promotion and support of Tennessee State University, to establish a presence in the city amongst local high schools to funnel the pipeline, and to be able to offer scholarships to those students.

 2021-22 Officers
President - Tunu Kinebrew
Vice-President - Angela Cook Frazier
Secretary - John Williams
Treasurer -Lesia Riddick

Download our Chapter Charter 

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